So I was doing an Gypceros running, to both try to get Gypceros Head (still don't know how to obtain it... or main chain, for that matter) and also to conmemorate my 20th killing with a brand new title.
Anyway, it was on the breeding season (or harvest season, I don't know, just my patch says that. May as well call it "puke-green time"), so there was a lot of congas on his resting area. I beat the crap out of him, as always, and when he was about to die he played dead (as always). So I back off for a final attack, but have to avoid a conga that was charging in my direction. I tought that it would wake Gypceros with his charge, but actually, it did his job for me... with his powerful fart of death LOL:
Belive me, that was the funniest shit I've come across with that game xD