Noted for 2 G ATM, that Tigrex's so called "physical" attacks such as it's charge, and lunges are not quite physical in elemental affinity after all.
Some attacks however are the opposite, herein I am pointing out those I have observed.
On some runs with friends for sizes, I noted tha ol' rex was dealing significantly different damage to players with defence values similar to each another. roused for the truth, I tried armours with different sets, same defence. Most remain unchanged in damage recieved.. Then it hit me.. resistance played a role in those physical attacks.. I bet my money on dragon and wham.. I hit the spot.
My observations are that dragon resistance shaved off a good amount of damage from tigrex's charge attacks which previously was assumed to be plain physical... with a mere 15 points.. I see significant difference in damage recieved.. then I switched to 20% from 75 points of damage(1/2 at maxed HP) at fury(high guild, 6*) the damage dropped to merely 50~55 points, making it less dangerous to get hit.
Surely not getting hit should be the rule of thumb where possible, but I think it might apply where one would care if the damage would kill.
In 2G, Khezu had a number of new tricks, where previously I singled out Tigrex's physical attacks to be mostly dragon in nature, in the the case fo Khezu, it's different.
One of the new moves, an electrified body tackle is completely physical in nature. Luckily for us hunters, it is easy to see the move coming thus posing little to no threat whatsoever.
The explosion attacks which this bad boy uses looks like it's fire in nature, however it is completely physical. It's charge attacks, tail swipes are dragon in nature.
Edited for literancy,
added khezu
added Teo